Selasa, 06 Maret 2012


Many things are in the spotlight of development, and that's how the various program policies in effect for the completion of it own problems. Health, education, public services and other things is a primary need for every citizen. But unfortunately there are many in various regions of Indonesia are not getting their rights as citizens who should get protection from the state. But the facts on the ground shows that there are disadvantaged areas that are geographically located not too far from the capital city. Too much if it sorted one by one name for each region that their basic needs are not met. Are too complex to solve these problems-problems in a short time to catch up. Raise the acceleration of development is not easy, especially if performed by any one shareholder. Therefore we need cooperation of all shareholders in response to any phenomenon that occurs in the field. Of concern and worthy of consideration is the number of lagging regions near the center of both local and state government. It's very sad at all, if a close range there is still a remote area, what about other areas that are separated by oceans? Criteria for disadvantaged areas are generally the same, namely the lack of public services, better education, health, and public goods. It is almost the same in each region. Cibuyutan Village is one of a variety of disadvantaged areas in Indonesia. It is located in Bogor Regency adjacent to the central government of the republic did not ensure the fulfillment of their needs. This village escaped the attention of the public, because it can be said that isolated area. A settlement was "very" poor people livelihood from the earth, gave birth to a generation of stagnant because there is no infrastructure to support schools to achieve their dreams and goals. Alarming conditions in which the passion for learning and the school is blocked by thick walls of bureaucracy and policies that do not support. According to local building named "Building Islamic elementary schools" is nothing more than an old shack that had many holes in the roof and walls made of woven bamboo. With only a dirt floor, each day the students are forced to inhale the dust and dirt that interfere with health. Due to space limitations, the study is divided into two shifts. Very unfortunate and ironic when compared to the students the spirit of MI is in search of knowledge as a basis for his life. The absence of institutions of higher education equivalent (SMP / SMA) around the village and away access to educational institutions led to very low levels of education masyaraka with an average of only graduates of MI / SD, this is one reason the number of illiterates in the village were quite high as for the age above 15 years over 60%. than 200 the number of existing residents. Students as one of the communities that have a distinctive intellectual society than as a pioneering change in a better future. As the mouthpiece of the aspirations of the grassroots, students have an important role as a government partner in the search for problem solving faced by Indonesia. Paradigm of students as agents of development in the future is becoming obsolete. View of increasingly rapid change, the required human resources of high quality and quantity. understanding of students as agents of the future will only narrow the insight and sense of responsibility among the students themselves. Therefore, students should be transformed to a more advanced, that is to be actors who have roles and responsibilities are as large as the other shareholder to serve the community, particularly in Kampung Cibuyutan this. Community service activities are activities that include efforts to increase the quality of human resources, among others, in terms of expanding horizons, knowledge and skills-building undertaken by the academic community as the embodiment of devotion and dharma play an active form of concern for the welfare and empower the public prior to the the weak economy. As a talented human being who cares about equal opportunity education, community service activities that we propose is the development of educational infrastructure. It is considered very important, and if the program is implemented will not be in vain because basically the whole community is needed See a fairly complex problem, then alternative measures are integrated to solve these problems we feel should be prepared. One function of the high pergurugan is community service. Students are not only geared to active learning in the classroom with the formal theories of textual, will remain through the trust Tridarma Higher Education, students who possess a strategic role to conduct a scientific touch to the community in the framework of empowerment and community service according to their respective scientific fields. Community empowerment activity also has a strategic role in helping the central government and especially the West Java province in West Java masyaraat effort to realize an intelligent, prosperous, independent and prosperous in accordance with the vision and mission of West Java, 2010. For overcoming the above problems UNIDA Student Executive Board holds the optimization programs through the Community Education Village Cibuyutan program as follows: In order to realize the maximum educational purposes in the village Cibuyutan it is necessary that is conducive to the learning process involves all components of an optimal learning. One important component that makes the learning process to be smooth and is conducive classroom. Classroom as a place of study groups learning activity has a strategic role in order to create an atmosphere and a sense of learning for students. Its presence brings a wider impact, such as security, a sense of belonging, peace and other positive things. Seeing the condition of class preference MI Mifatahussholah highly inadequate and improper use, the Community Development team intends to merehabilitasnya UNIDA BEM so that the process of learning and education can work well Program to eradicate illiteracy in Latin America, the figure and the Al-Quran / Arabic This is according to the 1945 National Education Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 5 Paragraph (1) Every citizen has an equal right to obtain a quality education. Paragraph (3) Citizens in remote or underdeveloped and remote indigenous communities are entitled to special education services. Presidential Instruction No. 5 Year 2006 regarding compulsory education and acceleration Acceleration of Aksara.Visi Blind Mission West Java 2010 are "By Iman and Taqwa, West Java province in Indonesia most advanced", and Vision Tanjungsari District as a city of education in 2010. PURPOSE The purpose of optimizing the educational activities of rural villagers Cibuyutan Sukarasa Tanjungsari districts as follows: a. science: In the scientific purpose of Community Health Education and Cibuyutan is to provide an opportunity for students to apply theory in practice / knowledge transfer that has been in the can in college, so useful to himself and society. (Khoerunnas Anfauhum Linnas) At best man is useful for other humans (Al-Hadith) b. Social Community: • The fulfillment of community needs for infrastructure MI Mifatahussholah decent education; • Improve the quality of human resources to create a society free of illiteracy Cibuyutan village and literacy of the Qur'an • Open access to the current and next generation to catch up in science. c. economic objectives With the facilities and infrastructures adequate Miftahussholah MI school, the community should not Cibuyutan village schools in more remote areas this may reduce the cost of education. EXPECTATION General expectations of this program is to improve the quality of education in the village Cibuyutan, especially those from the education indicators, such as the fulfillment of educational infrastructure is good, increasing the literacy rate of latin and Al-Qur'an. In particular educational program is expected to: • The availability of educational infrastructure is one Miftahussolah MI classrooms, desks and office administration tool that it deserves. • 60% of the 200 people currently Cibuyutan villages illiteracy free latin literacy, numeracy and literacy of the Qur'an in 2010. • Increased understanding of the management of teacher education and professional schools are good. BENEFITS The benefits of this activity are: Benefits to the community: • The fulfillment of community needs for a proper education infrastructure; • Improve the quality of human resources with the free illiterate. • Open access to current and next generation to catch up in science. Benefits to government: • Development program helps disadvantaged areas; • Meet the state's obligation to provide education for every citizen; • Help target the implementation of 9-Year Compulsory Education Program; • Assist in creating human resources in Indonesia are qualified, competent and competitive. • Assist government in eradicating literacy. • Assist the government in an effort to create a professional educator.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012


Penelitian kebijakan, seperti telah diuraikan sebelumnya, termasuk ke dalam kelompok penelitian terapan atau didalam lingkup penelitian sosial yang dalam aplikasinya mengikuti prosedur umum penelitian yang berlaku, disertai dengan sifat spesifiknya. Secara sederhana penelitian kebijakan dapat didefinisikan sebagai kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mendukung kebijakan. Oleh karena sifatnya mendukung kebijakan, maka penelitian ini bersifat khas, namun tidak berarti mengada-ada. Ann Majchrzak (1984) mendefinisikan penelitian kebijakan sebagai proses penyelenggaraan penelitian untuk mendukung kebijakan atau analisis terhadap masalah-masalah sosial yang bersifat fundamental secara teratur untuk membantu pengambil kebijakan memecahkan dengan jalan menyediakan rekomendasi yang berorientasi pada tindakan atau tingkah laku pragmatik. Oleh karena sifatnya berorientasi kepada tingkah laku pragmatik, maka yang perlu dihasilkan oleh peneliti kebijakan adalah bukan terletak pada hingga mana bobot ilmiah sebuah hasil penelitian, namun hingga mana hasil penelitian punya aplikabilitas atau kemamputerapan dalam rangka memecahkan masalah sosial. Kegiatan penelitian kebijakan diawali dengan pemahaman yang menyeluruh terhadap masalah sosial, seperti kekurangan nutrisi, kemiskinan, ledakan penduduk urbanisasi, inflasi, kerawanan sosial, dan lain-lain, dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan penelitian untuk mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah. Kegiatan akhir dari penelitian kebijakan adalah merumuskan rekomendasi pemecahan masalah untuk disampaikan kepada pembuat kebijakan. Seperti halnya penelitian-penelitian sosial atau penelitian terapan, penelitian kebijakan diarahkan untuk memberi efek terhadap tindakan praktis, yaitu pemecahan masalah sosial. Kekhasan penelitian kebijakan terletak pada fokusnya, yang berorientasi kepada tindakan untuk memecahkan masalah sosial yang unik, yang jika tidak dipecahkan akan memberikan efek negatif yang sangat luas. Tidak ada ukuran pada mengenai luas atau sempitnya suatu masalah sosial. Sebagai misal, rendahnya kualitas pendidikan dapat dipersepsi dari banyak sisi yang menyebabkan rendahnya kualitas itu, seperti: 1. Kualitas guru. 2. Kualitas proses belajar mengajar. 3. Kualitas kurikulum. 4. Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan serta sumber belajar. 5. Kualitas raw-input lembaga pendidikan. 6. Kondisi lingkungan sosial budaya dan ekonomi.
Oleh karena penelitian kebijakan berorientasi kepada fokus, maka pengkajian atau penelitian mengenai rendahnya kualitas pendidikan, misalnya, akan dititikberatkan kepada fokus mana – kualitas guru, kualitas proses belajar mengajar dan sebagainya. Jika penelitian kebijakan difokuskan kepada kualitas proses belajar mengajar, misalnya, maka fokus kajian dapat menyangkut masalah yang luas, seperti: 1. Intensitas proses belajar siswa di kelas. 2. Intensitas proses belajar siswa di luar kelas. 3. Kualitas guru dalam mengajar. 4. Kualitas interaksi guru dengan siswa. 5. Kualitas interaksi guru dengan siswa kualitas jaringan-jaringan belajar. 6. Kualitas menu sajian dalam proses belajar mengajar. 7. kualitas kegiatan ko dan ekstra kurikuler yang mendukung kegiatan inti di lembaga pendidikan. DISALIN SESUAI ASLI Danim, Sudarwan. 1997. Pengantar Studi Penelitian Kebijakan. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.


administrator adalah peserta perumus kebijakan yang utama, sesuai dengan status formalnya. Administrator atau pimpinan bekerja untuk merumuskan kebijakan atas dasar prioritas yang paling mendesak, khususnya yang berkenaan dengan pemecahan masalah sosial. Makin kompleks dan luasnya tugas-tugas keoragnisasian, menyebabkan kian banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh pimpinan dalam pekerjaan dan masalah tersebut tidak dapat dipecahkannya sendiri tanpa pendapat atau infomasi yang memadai, baik kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Penelitian kebijakan (policy research) secara spesifik ditujukan untuk membantu pembuat kebijakan (policy makers) dalam menyusun rencana kegiatan, dengan jalan memberikan pendapat atau informasi yang mereka perlukan untuk memecahkan masalah yang kita hadapi sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, penelitian kebijakan, merupakan rangkaian aktivitas yang diawali dengan persiapan peneliti untuk mengadakan penelitian atau kajian, pelaksanaan penelitian, dan diakhiri dengan penyusunan rekomendasai. Berdasarkan uraian di atas diketahui bahwa penelitian kebijakan pada hakikatnya merupakan penelitian yang dimaksudkan guna melahirkan rekomendasi untuk pembuat kebijakan dalam rangka pemecahan masalah sosial. Masalah sosial oleh para peneliti tidak dapat dipersepsi secara tunggal, oleh karena terdapat banyak persepsi mengenai masalah sosial, lebih-lebih masalah sosial itu menyangkut seluruh tatanan kehidupan. Kekurangan nutrisi pada anak-anak ghetto – dalam makna leksikal oleh Echols dan Shadily (1990) diartikan Kampung Yahudi di kota atau bagian kota yang didiami terutama untuk golongan minoritas – dapat dipersepsi dari sudut pengabaian orang tua (parent neglect), kemiskinan (poverty), atau tingkat pendidikan orang tua yang rendah. Rendahnya kesadaran hukum warga, misalnya dapat dipersepsi dari sudut pandang hukum sendiri, psikologu, ekonomi, sosiologi dan lain-lain.
Penelitian kebijakan merupakan perpaduan intensif antara pelbagai unsur pembangunannya, yaitu ilmu, keprigelan, dan seni (Ann Majchrzak, 1984). Ilmu sebagai padanan kata science dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan batang tubuh dari teori, konsep dan prinsip-prinsip metodologi. Paling tidak ada dua dimensi ilmu yang terkait disini, yaitu ilmu dalam arti subject matter dan ilmu dalam arti metodologi penelitian. Dua hal ini harus dimiliki oleh peneliti, yang pertama berkenaan dengan akurasi kajian atas permasalahan dan yang kedua berkenaan dengan akurasi cara pengkajian. Keprigelan (craftlore) aalah seperangkat teknik kemamapuan kerja, keteraturan kerja berdasarkan pengalaman dan prosedur operasi standar dalam proses penelitian. Keprigelan umumnya didapat dari pengalaman penelitian, di samping penguasaan metodologi penelitian yang diterima di bangku kuliah atau pelatihan. Seni atau kiat (art) adalah langkah, gaya, dan cara melakukan kerja penelitian. Proses kerja dalam penelitian secara metodologis sama untuk satu metode yang dipakai, namun cara peneliti bekerja dalam proses itu sangat individual sifatnya. Sebagai contoh, untuk menyusun instrumen penelitian, ada peneliti yang mengawalinya dengan penyusunan kisi-kisi instrumen, namun ada yang hanya beranjak dari definisi operaisonal variabel. Dua cara itu pada akhirnya dimaksudkan untuk mengahasilkan instumen yang memenuhi kriteria valid dan reliable, namun kegiatan awal untuk mencapai kondisi itu berbeda pada masing-masing peneliti. Keberhasilan penelitian kebijakan khususnya, dana penelitian tradisional umumnya, sangat ditentukan oleh kapasitas peneliti dalam mengkombinasikan unsur ilmu, keprigelan dan seni tersebut. Aktivitas yang tergamit dalam penelitian kebijakan tidak hanya berkenaan dengan permasalahan yang muncul, namun melibatkan gaya, kreativitas dan penilaian peneliti. Kreativitas personal peneliti sangat dimungkinkan dalam penelitian kebijakan dan dalam banyak hal sangat menentukan keberhasilan, mulai dari persiapan, pelaksanaan, sampai dengan pengakhiran, yaitu penyusunan rekomendasi untuk pembuat kebijakan. Memadukan tiga hal tersebut di atas bagi terlaksananya penelitian kebijakan memerlukan seni tersendiri. Untuk mempertajam wawasan, maka pada bagian berikut ini akan diuraikan mengenai pengertian, latar belakang pentingnya, bentuk dan karakteristik serta sekuensi aktivitas pengelolaan penelitian kebijakan. Pemahaman peneliti kebijakan akan beberapa hal ini merupakan modal dasar untuk menemukan “seni” memadukan tiga unsur yang terpaut dalam proses penelitian kebijakan.